Kink. 2022. Queer Australian Art History: KINK in the Archive’. Artlink, 42:3 (Feature) (Courtney Coombs, with Amelia Barakin, Callum McGrath, Spiros Panigirakis, and Timothy Riley Walsh)

2022 Kink. ‘Texts for a queer art history’. Un Magazine, 16.2 (Courtney Coombs with Amelia Barakin, Callum McGrath, and Timothy Riley Walsh)

2022 Coombs, C. ‘Sha Sawari: Vernacular’. Lemonade Art Letters (Review)

2021 Coombs, C. A drowning Sim’s cry for help: Ursula Larin. Metro Arts, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2019 Coombs, C. ‘A good dinner party: Food as a medium for social change’. Artlink, 39: 4 (Feature)

2019 Coombs, C. ‘Jemima Wyman: At the Fray’, Eyeline (Review)

2019 Coombs, C. ‘Land + Art’, Art and Australia Online (Feature)

2018 Coombs, C. Thoughts on Snapcat's The Beautiful Game. Art + Australia Online (Review)

2018 Coombs, C. To begin to hurt:Jarrod van der Ryken. Boxcopy, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2017 Coombs, C. ‘Queer feminism, intersectionality and awkward conversations’. Artlink. 37 (4) 

2017 Coombs, C. After Shock:Jaala Alex. An email conversation between Jaala Alex and Courtney Coombs. Outer Space, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2016 Coombs, C., Franzmann, C., Haynes, R. et al. "recipes and revolutions: consciousness-raising and feminist picnics"Feminist Review. 114: 130.

2016 Coombs, C. Home of the Brave:Karike Ashworth. The Laundry Artspace, Brisbane (Cat. Essay) 

2016 Coombs, C. Tandem:Parallel Park. Cut Thumb ARI, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2016 Coombs, C. ‘Collaboration: a tool for questioning hierarchical and/or authoritarian structures’. Concerted ( ) Efforts. Surpllus, Melbourne. p: 138-141

2015 Coombs, C. ‘Political feminism: Activist art in Australia in 2015’. Art Monthly Australia286 (Summer)

2015 Coombs, C. Yellow Peril:Eugenia Lim. Metro Arts, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2014 LEVEL, THIS IS NOT THE WORK. The Block, Brisbane (Cat. Essay)

2013 Coombs, C. ‘Feminism and art in 2013: a panel discussion’. Artlink. 33 (3)

2011 Coombs, C. ‘Art and love, as love, for love.’ NAVA Quarterly. September.